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School One Security Transcript

In today’s world, the safety and security of students and faculty is critically important. There have been far too many school shootings that have killed or severely injured students, teachers and faculty members. Intruders enter school buildings with the intent to cause bodily harm and kill innocent people for unexplained reasons.

Is your school secure? Are your students, faculty and school staff protected from intruders? If not, School One Security can provide additional measures of security to keep students, faculty and staff safe and secure while keeping intruders out.

Our solution is a computer-assisted, automated door entry system that triggers a remote door switch to unlock the door only after an assessment is made for the person requesting access to the building. Through an integrated camera and microphone both image and sound input are electronically captured within an Identification database. The database will match and score the image recorded against the image database to establish an Identification Confidence Rating.

When the Identification Confidence Rating is below the configurable confidence threshold rating defined in the system, the requester will not gain entrance without an interview from security personnel or local police. When the system is confident of the identification, a Screening database will retrieve pertinent information about the individual requesting access to the building and assess the requester’s Threat Index. The Identification Confidence Rating and Threat Index results, along with information regarding the requester, will appear on a graphical dashboard display, accessible on authorized laptops, tablets and smart phones.

If Threat Index is below the threshold, access to the building will be allowed and the door will open. If not, the system will dispatchnotification to security personnel and or local police to confront the individual.

Many individuals within a campus are inter-connected through social media. Typically, several social media applications are being utilized continuously by users creating massive volumes of data that can be easily accessed, monitored and prioritized based upon personal issues, behaviors and erratic patterns that become substantiated on-line. The causes of these behavioral patterns can be the direct result of bullying and personal threats, name-calling and personal insults, student suspension or expulsion, faculty member questionable behavior or termination and the exclusion of individuals from people or groups that these individuals want to belong too.

Active Shooter Indicators

For many, acceptance means everything not to mention appearance, communication, social skills, and popularity. It’s all about likes, inter-connected friends, chats, tweets, and photos posted. Key elements of people’s lives can be viewed on-line based upon the content the user provides and continues to update.

In an effort to get even, get back at, or even retaliate towards those who inflicted harmful feelings, emotions or physical harm, more extreme behavioral patterns evolve such as: personal threats, bodily injury, and the outright intent to cause harm or kill individuals or groups of individuals who were the cause of the hurt, anger, disappointment and rejection.

In addition, real-time input from students, faculty staff, and parents communicating on these social media networks can be more vigilant at monitoring, commenting, forwarding and notifying relevant information including personal threats or demeaning comments, changes in behavior patterns, unexpected responses or rants.


Profiles of all students, teachers, faculty staff, maintenance personnel and their family members and friends are pre-loaded to our product’s database during the initial implementation. The mechanism continuously updates any changes in the person’s profile, picture, facial image vectors and voice patterns of those who attend or participate in school functions prior, during and after school hours. School One Security extensively monitors all of the social media networks of those who opt in. Our product automatically validates any content posted that may create suspicion and potentially influence the threat index of a specific individual.